This week’s entry takes far back to ancient Greece from where the most common mythology seems to hail. Here, we tap one of the most well known mythical figures of legend: Heracles. Heracles fought many fearsome creatures and accomplished...
We are 7 days for Gen Con 2017. SEVEN DAYS till the best 4 Days of Gaming (TM)! This year is a big deal, it is also the 50th Gen Con and a sold out crowd. If this is...
Gen Con 50 is just around the corner so I thought we would talk game prep. Whether you are running at the convention or not these simple tips can help you get your game ready. Obviously, you’ll want to...
This is largely a friendly invasion and Luis will be back. Seriously, I promise. In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to break out my new copy of the Genius Guide to the Talented Bestiary from Rogue...
For most game companies, a steady release of product is usually taken as a good sign. Regular game support with new product means regular sales means company longevity which means that the game they put out continues to exist. Which continues...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch where today we’ll be continuing our devilish lesson about fiends! This is the second part of a two part article, if you haven’t read part 1, click here to get caught...
If you’ve been following the Know Direction blog scene for the past few months (and if you haven’t, why aren’t you?!), you’ll likely know that we have a blog called Code Switch, and its author, James Ballod, is an...
Any time is a good time to fight, but the best time to fight is when you’re being paid for it! This week we’re taking a trip into the arena. Any adventurer worth her salt eventually says something wrong...
Somewhere in the vast internet space of Facebook, someone asked a question about how to handle their young family member who likes to kill all the things, regardless of their place in the story – apparently including tavern patrons...