Gen Con 2017 is now just fading treasured memories of celebrating 50 years of gaming with friends, family, fans, and complete strangers who love the same things we do. As in years past, Gen Con 2017 was full of...
Sometimes, GMs needs their players to have at least a basic understanding of the setting that they’ll be operating in. Today, we look at ways to bring our players up to speed beforehand without making it an arduous ordeal.
You might not know what it would be like to live in Absalom, Cheliax, or Tian Xia but you can imagine it. Most of what you can imagine is colored by your experiences both good and bad. You can...
Happy first day of GenCon 2017! Tens of thousands of attendees travel from all over the world and decent upon the fabled city of Indianapolis for a four-day revel of games, games, and more games. Soon, the Know Direction...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “counter” as suggested by Aaron. I wonder if Aaron realized how...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I’ll be talking a bit about size and scale in references to numbers. Numbers of people, that is. This Thursday (August 17th, totally dating this) Gen Con 50 starts...
Gen Con is loaming on the horizon. On Wednesday, Code Switch’s James and I will be heading out to Indianapolis for the best four days in gaming! Part of going out to Gen Con means being prepared to play...
This week’s entry takes far back to ancient Greece from where the most common mythology seems to hail. Here, we tap one of the most well known mythical figures of legend: Heracles. Heracles fought many fearsome creatures and accomplished...
We are 7 days for Gen Con 2017. SEVEN DAYS till the best 4 Days of Gaming (TM)! This year is a big deal, it is also the 50th Gen Con and a sold out crowd. If this is...