The Protoss are a long-lived race and as such, have a lot of interesting history and units in the Starcraft game. It turns out, they’re so interesting that I end up writing quite a lot about them! This week,...
Things continue to be emotionally oppressive and I no longer feel like I am having fun in my hobby community. My cardinal rule is when you no longer feel enjoyment from the thing that should bring you joy, it’s...
Our tabletop games have been around for over 30 years, and in all that time they really haven’t changed much. Today we talk about some ways to make our games feel new and exciting again.
A lot of weight is put on the GM to run a great game but that’s not entirely fair to the GM. Sure, the GM is a huge part of why a campaign rocks or fizzles but they are...
Hey everyone! Thanks for checking into another installment of Guidance! Like I mentioned last week, I’m getting ready for James’s Dead Suns adventures, and boy am I excited. So far, our group has me (soldier) and ours friend Robyn...
This week we return to the Koprulu Sector to pay a visit to another of the wonder alien species which reside there, the Protoss! These psychic warriors wield some of the most advanced technology ever seen and are tied...
When starting a campaign, player backstories can provide GMs a wealth of creative fodder for to weave their narratives unfolding. A character’s trusted mentor can show up to provide a helpful clue when the party is stuck with a...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “sacrifice” as suggested by Nick V. Mwahahahahahahah! Actually, what makes sacrifice...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today, I want to talk about lasers and batteries. After sitting down and overcoming my salt at how lasers work in Starfinder, I started to appreciate how cool the thing...
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another installment of Starfleet Design! I’m going to waste no time here—starting next month, James Ballod of Code Switch / Know Direction: Beyond fame is going to be running Dead Suns for me and some...