On March 6th, Paizo through the words of Jason Bulmahn dropped a not so unexpected piece of news on our community – Pathfinder 2.0. After the success of Starfinder’s streamlined rules system it was only a matter of time...
In preparation for tomorrow’s special Second Edition Spotlight episode of the Know Direction podcast, I am skimming through the surprisingly vast amount of information we already know about Pathfinder Second Edition. Below are some of the key news bits...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “KINEMATICS” as suggested by Bastille. Bastille didn’t give me an easy...
I love Pathfinder, but much of my love of this hobby came from long before Pathfinder’s launch and since its release, other game companies have been putting out excellent work too. So, I thought I’d share some adventures that...
Howdy! Last week I stated up a monster, as I am wont to do. This week is different, however. I’ll be going through the process of creating a monster from scratch. I’ll be discussing the whole process as well...
Recently, Pathfinder enthusiast Cassidy Allison posted the following to the Pathfinder Society Facebook group: “Anyone know of any scenarios that feature an autistic NPC? I have a deep and meaningful craving. #ActuallyAutistic” I value this question as much as...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I want to continue talking about science in space. Last Code/Switch we learned that ramming things with your super-cool space ship just results in heart-(andeverythingelse)-break. This week I...
Hey everyone! I’m Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and I’m back with another Iconic Design! Special thanks to KDN Captain Ryan Costello for filling in for me last week—my Grandfather suddenly passed away the week before last, and I...
Hello! This week’s monster is something unique. Not only am I stating a massive creature in the form of a CR 30 kaiju, but I’m also laying the foundation for a series of articles in the coming weeks. I...
I’ve been prepping to run Giantslayer for a while now, and those of you who have read it played it or listened to the Glass Cannon know how the campaign begins. For everyone else, I’m going to keep this...