Earlier this week I discovered that my RPG Superstar adventure has been in print 2 years. I spent that anniversary in Chicago with 18 orchestra teenagers, including my own 15 year old daughter. It was a whirlwind 36 hours...
Listener Andrew M mentioned in Know Direction’s Discord chat recently that he’s never gotten a good handle on the pro-setting neutral stance. I went into one of the reasons I take issue with fusing the setting into the core rules...
The news from Paizo regarding the playtest for Pathfinder’s second edition has been coming furiously fast. Fast enough that I scrapped nearly an entire blog because large portions of it included some rough rules speculation that Monday’s blog about...
Hey, everyone! I’m Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and today I’m going to let you in on the dirtiest tactic in my toolbox. The art … of winging it. Before I started the original Everyman Gaming blog (and subsequently...
Today we take the mass of offense and defense we made last time and give it some character! Special attacks and abilities can make your new creature very interesting and memorable. Let’s give your monster the pizzazz it deserves! Once again,...
When an adventurer’s tools are obsolete, generally they sell their old gear to lighten their load and increase their wealth. Otherwise, as the Core Rulebook tells us, that leads to encumbrance. There are workarounds but even bags of holding...
Dear DovahQueen: My group has trouble staying engaged and in character in game. Any ideas what I can do to help keep it a semi serious tone without the game spinning off to ridiculous land?—Part-Time Adventurer Dear Parsley-Thyme: So,...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I’m going to finish the “Science of Dying in Space Trilogy” (Click for the First and Second parts). For the finale we’re going to discuss sound in space, and...
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Guidance. As you might have heard, last week I had the honor of hopping on the Know Direction podcast with Ryan and Perram to interview Logan Bonner and Erik Mona about Pathfinder’s upcoming Second Edition...
Last time, we took our first steps to creating the framework for our monster. This time, we’re going to throw some meat on those bones! When we left Kasama, she was looking a little thin. KASAMA THE INCOMPLETE CR 30??...