“The Mwangi Expanse and its people, its places, its flora, fauna, and land are largely not new. People have thrived in this space for eons before your adventuring party will. They will continue to after. As creators, players, and...
That house on the outskirts of town, sitting empty behind a crumbling wall. The one people whisper about. The one that has gone unlived in for years. Sometimes a few hearty souls creep in, it is said, to see...
By the time you’re reading this, PaizoCon Online 2021 starts tomorrow, Friday May 28th! While I hope to attend in person next year, I’m thrilled that we still get that Pathfinder focused content this weekend! The news drops, the...
Maybe you’re home alone and you hear a creak up in the attic. Or it’s time to change the laundry in the basement and the light bulb blows as you head down the stairs. Perhaps you’ve gone to the...
The road has a song all to its own. Press your ear against my chest and you’ll hear it. It is always with me, soaring across mountaintops and sleeping in the gutter where the small and forgotten gods live....
The Bestiary 3’s out and you’re going to be in trouble You see your GM with it, ya better cut out on the double Your assumption you’re safe is totally untrue So look out now ‘cause new monsters are...
You stayed late at school one night and took a path through the woods to get home. Something chased you; something bit you. Now your heart beats faster as the moon gets fuller; your emotions and senses all seem...
After my article two weeks ago on doing my first live GMing on twitch for the Monster Hearts 2 game I ran for Virtual Horror Con, I thought a lot about the improvisational nature of it and roleplaying in...
A couple weeks ago I got my chance to run not only my first Monster Hearts 2 game but also my first live, streamed game as part of Virtual Horror Con. If you joined us as it was broadcast...
The world of Golarion and the tales of the Age of Lost Omens are enticing to me. I love the richness in the landscape, the exploration of these lands, and the myriad events that have shaped its literal geography....