Know Direction Audio Archive

We say goodbye to Perram after his 12 years of unbelievably outstanding service growing Know Direction to the network it is today. Ryan Costello joins Vanessa and Luis to reminisce about Know Direction’s history, the state of the network,...
Knights of Lastwall, the latest hardcover for the Pathfinder Lost Omens campaign setting line lets you take up arms against the Whispering Tyrant and his undead army. Vanessa and her co-host Luis Loza, pulling double duty as the book’s...
Paizo Design Lead Logan Bonner joins Vanessa and Luis to dig into the Book of the Dead, a tome of rules and lore all about fighting undead, allying with undead, and becoming undead. PLUS a ton of adjustments and...
Paizo Development Manager Ron Lundeen joins Vanessa and Luis to discuss the announcement of the Abomination Vaults adventure path for 5th Edition D&D. What does this mean for Paizo, Pathfinder, and the future of the adventure path line?
Vanessa and Luis get the scoop on Book of the Dead! They’re joined by Mark Seifter, a developer and author for this book, to talk about all of the fantastic options for living player characters in Chapter 1: Prayers...
Ryan, standing in for Perram, joins Vanessa to talk with Bill and Jon from Beadle and Grimm’s! They discuss the successful launch of the Character Chronicles books and their new Gold Edition of Absalom: City of Lost Omens boxed...