Author Description

Jefferson Thacker

Before Perram joined Know Direction as the show’s first full time co-host, the podcast could have best been describe as a bunch of Pathfinder RPG stuff. Perram brings a knowledge of and love for Golarion to Know Direction, something any Pathfinder podcast is lacking without. On top of being a man on the pulse of the Pathfinder campaign setting, Perram is the founder of the superlative site for Pathfinder spellcasters, Perram’s Spellbook, a free web application that creates customized spell cards.

Perram is back from PAX Unplugged! He and the network’s own Luis Loza are all set to compare their experiences with the con’s third year to Ryan’s experiences to PAX Unplugged 1 and 2. Then Luis sticks around to...
Perram meets up with Paizo’s Luis Loza at PAX Unplugged to talk about the convention, designing high level Pathfinder 2e adventures, Age of Ashes, Inner Sea Gods & Magic, Inner Sea Legends, and Absolom! Listen Now! (mp3)
Pathfinder Lost Omens: Gods and MAgic Preview with Paizo's James Jacobs
Pathfinder Creative Director James Jacobs joins us to preview Lost Omens: Gods and Magic for Pathfinder 2e. How does this book present some of the most powerful beings in the world of Pathfinder, and support characters that follow them?...
Pathfinder Creative Director James Jacobs joins us to preview Lost Omens: Gods and Magic for Pathfinder 2e. How does this book present some of the most powerful beings in the world of Pathfinder, and support characters that follow them?...
Join us Halloween Eve for a monster bash, talking monster (and NPC) making with Pathfinder developer Patrick Renee. Then, in our second segment, Ryan and Perram use the new monster design rules to bring some Halloween horrors to life!...
If every 2e book released since August was the exhale of the deep breath that was the Pathfinder playtest, The Lost Omens Character Guide is when we are ready to breathe normaly again. Does it take our breath away...
Paizo’s Thurston Hillman joins us tonight to talk about the exciting events happening in Starfinder Society, and the candidates for the new First Seeker! Also lots of spoilers for Season 2. Listen Now! (mp3)
It is debatable whether Michael Sayre’s skills as a developer are over-powered. What’s not debatable is the Michael Sayre is the Organized Play Developer. He joins us to talk about his Path to Pathfinder, taking over organized play development,...