Gen Con Archive

Know Direction Pathfinder Podcast
As Ryan and Perram’s GenCon experiences are becoming more about working booths and recording seminars, respectively, the Know Direction Network’s Marlowe House -Andrew and Monica Marlowe- will be joining us to talk GenCon from different perspectives: freelancers, parents, and...
Know Direction Pathfinder Podcast
Paizo’s Organized Play Coordinator Tonya Woldridge and developer John Compton and give us the scoop on Pathfinder Society’s new seeker arc. Plus, we go over the huge news stories from the GAMA trade show.Jeez, Paizo releases one (well, two)...
Development is one of the less tangible aspects of what goes into making Pathfinder. Three of Paizo’s developers and Paizo’s editor-in-chief do a better job demostrating development than explaining it in this interactive seminar. Featuring: Wes Schneider Patrick Renie...