Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
Starfinder’s newest base class, the Evolutionist, is currently in play test. What’s this class all about? What’s the initial feedback after a few weeks of playtests? How does the Evolutionist make Starfinder evolve? The Know Direction Beyond team speaks with the class’...
Hey, there! Luis here! I’m back with another Marvel thing for you. Their new anthology show, What If?, premiered last week, and with it came the first of the alternate takes on a superhero. I’ve always been a big...
The devastation of Earthfall resulted in the slaughter of billions, and the widespread destruction of most civilization erased much of humanity’s knowledge. The man credited with bringing magic back to humanity was Old‑Mage Jatembe, a folk hero and a...
It’s episode 22 and our Valiant heroes are making their first steps into the Temple of the Whisperer. They encounter a strange boundary and surprisingly tough rock monster. Listen Now! (mp3) Valiant is a Pathfinder Second Edition actual play...
James Gunn’s latest super hero team film, this time of the DC variety, hit theatres a couple of weeks ago to solid critical praise but poor box office return. Not Snake Eyes poor, but it seems like not a...
“The only thing that sucks more than missing is the enemy laughing off three 19s in a row…” Before you read this article I recommend you check out my last article: Adjusting Extreme Encounters. To summarize: Pathfinder 2e has...
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren continue their look at one of the meta-regions for the Lost Omens setting, the Mwangi Expanse. Follow along as they cover the various ancestral and ethnic groups of the region....
It’s been a while since we wrapped on regular Know Direction content. Now, a few of our blogs will be coming to a close, and one of our podcasts is wrapping for the season. After six years, the Know...