In search of magical painter André Gauieux, our Adventurous heroes find their way to an art auction in the sewers of Ustalav. But first, they gear up to fight vampires, because the sewers of Ustalav. Listen Now! (mp3) Young...
Bedframe Siderail Mechanical, Trap Hazard -1 Complexity Simple Stealth DC 15 (trained) (-4 penalty to locate if Fatigued) Description This bare bedframe has been positioned in such a way that the siderail where you’d expect the head or foot...
Jason and John discuss the process for developing Starfinder Adventure Paths from initial brainstorming of ideas through final layout and sending to the printers. Listen Now!
Long time readers will know that I’ve picked up the habit of dropping hints at the end of each blog about the next entry’s topic, and it’s something that’s been going on for over half a year. And I’m...
In episode 47 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Michael Pittre on his co-design game “On the Rocks”. He talks about starting a company around this initial design. How he sourced such premium components and...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...
The living nature of the spungeon makes for very strange and dangerous traps. Listen Now!(mp3) The GM is Ron Lundeen, an employee of Wizards of the Coast, whose opinions are his own.
The past couple months have been a whirlwind of amazing from Paizo, especially for the Pathfinder line! And if you’re not celebrating the news from Gen Con still, figuring out how to tour Golarion with the Travel Guide, completing...
John chatted with freelance author and game designer Isis Wozniakowska about her graduate studies, traveling of Europe, and freelance writing and game design work. Listen Now!(mp3)
I love Pathfinder and Starfinder. Whether it’s delving into an underground dungeon or unraveling the mysteries of an urban intrigue plot, there are very few hooks that don’t inspire me to want to run or play more! That being...