Jay and Matt talk about what makes a good DnD table; no, not the quality of the wood, but rather the environment around the table, including people, tools, activities, and food. Listen Now!
Ryan and Jay talk about romance at the DnD table – appropriately, as Ryan and Tina are getting married! – and then segue into what it means to be a modern geek: stereotypes and current trends galore. Listen Now!
Ryan and Jay review 4th edition’s version of the Open Game License, the Game System License. Also, with Ryan moving away in a few months, he and Jay ponder a long distance gaming relationship. Listen Now!
Our first live recording of a game session, the Pathfinder playtest. It runs 82 minutes, so we have offered it in two convenient formats. The full episode, presented here: Listen Now! Two smaller files presented here: Listen Now!...
Dungeons & Dragons is at its best when its versatility is streamlined. Savage Species takes most creatures from the first Monster Manual and offers them as playable races.