We are keeping things classy this week. Adventurers at put on airs one point or another, or at the very least, end up dealing with those that do. Nobles are a staple for fantasy adventurers be they heroes or...
Variety is truly the dice of life. Unless of course that variety throws a wrench into your carefully crafted Game Mastering. Players aren’t the only factors that can take your game completely off the rails. Because the best laid plans...
In Keyword Design, I use a single word as inspiration for a mundane item, a magic item, a feat, a spell, and a class option. Today’s word is “Commute” as suggested by Quo. As the meme mentions, long journeys...
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch where I over-analyze facets of RPG settings and mechanics. Today I want to talk about the prevalence of globalization in Golarion and the theoretical viability of that globalization. I know...
So if you’re in the know, this past rotation for Pathfinder Society conventions offered ratfolk boons to GMs, and I was lucky enough to get to GM at a convention while the boons were being offered. (Shout out to...
Bestiary 6 has been let loose onto unsuspecting tables and with it comes one of my favorite new additions to the endless list of monsters: entothropes! I’ve always been a big fan of lycanthropes ever since Diablo 2’s druid...
Since 2014 the hashtag #notallmen began popping up, sometimes from frustrated individuals who are upset that men are lumped together, sometimes ironically from individuals who are tired of being the subject of systemic power imbalance, and all sorts of...
In this week’s Know Direction, Ryan and Perram are joined by Know Direction’s own Alex Augunas and Andrew Marlowe to review several of Pathfinder’s Softcover releases. We then goof off and talk about our campaigns and other fun nonsense.