Last week I mentioned that I was going to be talking about designing purposeful mechanics today, but I’ve seen the topic of “Imposter Syndrome” fly around the internet a lot lately, so I wanted to take a week to...
Mass Effect is awesome. I knew nothing about the series when I first jumped into and was blown away. The game was super fun and the setting was deep and interesting. It made me fall in love with it...
Helmuth von Moltke the Elder famously said that “no plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force,” or, colloquially, “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.” It’s popular for Game...
Bad rolls in character creation happen. But how low can we take and still roleplay a viable character? Today we look at playing a character with a Charisma score matching that of a monitor lizard.
Hi, my name is James and welcome to Code/Switch. Today I want to talk about atmosphere in space. The vast expanses of space in general have too few atoms in them to have anything like an atmosphere, but atmosphere...
Welcome back! We have a pretty good handle on our central mountain, and the lake and village inside. Instead of breaking ground today, how about we cover an area that broke up long ago. What happens when you take...
Initiative is rolled, spells are cast, and combat is maneuvered when the first combat of the campaign breaks out without ever leaving the gala! Note: The original post accidentally contained episode 2 instead, this is a correction. Listen Now!...
Okay guys, I’ve been pretty much obsessed with doing this build since Jacob Blackmon drew the title image for Everyman Gaming LLC, my company. (Context: This picture is going in my company’s next “big book” for the Starfinder RPG,...
The Avengers: Infinity War hype continues and I’m not hopping off the hype train just yet! This week, I return to space to tackle a furry little friend that will help complement an entry I did about a year...
As gamers we experience terrible events that occur to our PCs – loss of equipment, allies, animal companions, familiars, and the PCs themselves. As nerds and geeks living in the present, chances are you’ve watched at least one franchise...