Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, as the director of operations, Ryan Costello, shares his thoughts on the state of the...
To get into Ark Prime, our heroes must first defeat a fearsome dragon! Listen Now!(mp3) The GM is Ron Lundeen, an employee of Wizards of the Coast, whose opinions are his own.
“Hag: noun; a witch, especially one in the form of an ugly old woman” – Oxford Languages I’ve had hags on my mind for Kingmaker. I can’t say exactly why, as it might be spoilers for those new to...
[00:00:00] Esther: Hello, and welcome to Know Direction, your number one source for Pathfinder news, reviews, and interviews. I’m Esther, and I’m usually here with my co-host Navaar, but unfortunately he is under the weather this evening, so I...
The Broken Tusk are on the run! After hours of running, the party receives some much needed time to discuss plans and strategy with the Mammoth Lords. It’s down to our brave adventurers to blaze a path forward. The...
Welcome to Essential Builds, the blog that rebuilds popular culture icons into combat capable Essence20 Player Characters. I’m Ryan Costello, one of the designers of the Essence20 system and an author on the G.I. JOE, Transformers, and My Little...
Alex and James talk with Thurston Hillman and Jenny Jarzabski from Paizo’s Starfinder team about their plans for Starfinder 2e. Live on Twitch! Listen Now! (mp3)
I had this whole thing lined up from the latest entry of EE. I made a medusa for Starfinder, opened up the idea about what their culture would be, and set myself up to give you a race option...