Hello, and welcome to Guidance! I’m Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and I LOVE adventure paths. I enjoy playing them with my friends, I enjoy running them for my friends, and I really enjoy reading them and seeing how...
Our heroes fight a host of foes, and nearly allow one to escape past them as they conclude book 2 of the Dawn of Flame Adventure Path. Listen Now!(mp3)
I have long wanted one of those super deluxe game tables with the recessed play space. Alternately, I’ve been considering options to instead elevate the play space. Given that we live stream some of our tabletop games the raised...
Hello, hello! Today sees the release of the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie (the nicer looking one, not the one with the human teeth). While I’m not eager to see the movie any time soon, it does give me...
Vanessa, Alex, James, and Owen explore the explosion of new products released and announced for Starfinder as well as discuss their own gaming experiences. Listen Now (mp3)
The motivation behind my mantra, that everyone games in different ways for different reasons, is rooted in my belief that to fulfill my role as fun facilitator, I must first understand why my players play the way they do....
Hey, Guidance fans! Welcome to Guidance. I’m Alex Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and I’m going to do something today that I don’t do very frequently on my column; I’m going to give my opinion regarding something going on in...
Groundbreaking is meant to be a world building experience, and I like to think I have been providing a lot of different ideas and concepts, often from randomly (and possibly radically) different angles and directions. Sometimes they flow together...