Our Adventurous heroes are about to meet with Dame Crabbe to discuss hot rumours, nightmare spiders, and concerning daughters. But first… Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual...
Hey, there! Last week, we took at the King of Koopas, Bowser. It wouldn’t be fair to leave him rampaging across the Mushroom Kingdom uncontested, so I had to bring in a hero to put a stop to him....
Ponyfinder publisher David M Silver of Silver Games LLC joins Ryan and Perram to talk about Ponyfinder’s enduring appeal, past, present, and future, and how Pathfinder players can use Ponyfinder material in their game.
Are you tired of hauling a cumbersome bag of dice with you to every game? Do you just hate trying to type out your macros on your phone? Have you been missing out on the thrill of waiting for...
The Know Direction Network is proud to announce its latest partnership and welcome the members of the Dashing Dwarves to the staff. Who? Dashing Dwarves is the original APAPSR – Adventure Path Actual Play Speed Runners. Their goal is...
Welcome to our inaugural episode! John and Ron introduce the new podcast before jumping into the topic of game balance! Listen Now!(mp3) Please leave questions for future episodes in the #feedback-and-requests channel of the Know Direction discord and maybe...
Introduction Well, it’s finally happened to me. I purposefully sat down to write this blog and for about the first 10-15 minutes, all I could do was think of anything but this blog. I kept getting distracted by social...
We are keeping things classic this week. I felt like taking a look at the various characters from the Super Mario games for this blog and decided to start with the big King of Koopas himself, Bowser. The series’...
Between movies, comics, and video games, I’ve seen and taken part in the destruction of a whole lot of Imperial All-Terrain Scout Transports. AT-STs are mostly there to give the heroes something larger than usual to destroy. Not in...