Hello, readers, and welcome back to Guidance! Sometimes when I’m writing these articles, things go great and I write exactly what I want to write, when I want to write it. Othertimes I get myself into silly jokes with...
Do you like Exploration Activities? I like Exploration Activities. But I often find myself narrating these activities without the use of maps. Which can make the last map the party was using a bit of a distraction. And oftentimes...
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren take a look at the Second Edition’s druid. Follow along as they break down the druidclass features, present their own druid builds, answer some listener questions, fail spectacularly at the...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
In episode 3 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication, we talk with Eric Slauson about his party game Tattoo Stories published by Bicycle Games. Eric managed to design not one but two drawing games in the same year...
DovahQueen: Bend the Knee Since 2015, the DovahQueen has been taking your questions and giving advice to improve your games. Now the tables are turned in this DovahQueen series; Loren is asking the questions and a panel of three...
A game’s rules can be taken for granted, seen only as the cold steel engine that propels the pretty outer shell and soft interior that is the setting, lore, and plots. Well we say to heck with that! A...
Introduction When I was doing the rough draft of this article it was refreshing to work on something different than the Quests. I think I was getting into a creative rut with them. It might’ve been better to have...
Welcome back to Phantasmal Killer, a blog delving into weird and fun game mechanics and how you can take advantage of them to bring new ideas to life at your tabletop. In each article I look at using a...