Imagine the world is like a globe. No not just round but an actual globe. Maybe even an ornate antique one made from brass and oiled hard woods. Once flawless, the globe is showing some age and wear from...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
Once Lily gets over getting away with it, our Adventurous heroes start their plan for the big raid. Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses...
(Banner art “Pale Bill” by Spinebender) Hey, there! Luis here! Have you heard? The gunslinger’s back, in 2E form! As someone who’s running his own fantasy western game, I’m excited to see the gunslinger back in action. Since a...
The Old Ones ruled the earth aeons before the rise of man. Traces of their cyclopean cities can still be found on remote islands, buried amid the shifting desert sands, and in the frozen wastes of the polar extremes....
It’s episode 7 and our Valiant heroes are still figuring out how much to share about their new powers. Word is that the Beastkings are going to be in town very soon. Also, Seren finally gets his new doubling...
Pathfinder is getting two new classes, and you can help shape the future of those classes with the new Guns & Gears Playtest! The details for these classes can be found right here, and I recommend you give that...
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Gibbering Mouth! A blog where I sit here and gibber a bit about my thoughts on various industry topics. Today, I want to briefly talk about something that Paizo’s been pushing hard for the...
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren are here to serve as your guides to starting Pathfinder Second Edition. In the first part of the New Player Guide series, they talk to the brand new players, the...