Know Direction Audio Archive

On the heels of Gen Con Online, Ryan and Perram break down the new edition of Pathfinder’s most anticipated book, the Advanced Player’s Guide, with the book’s design lead, Mark Seifter.
Paizo developers Luis Loza and Eleanor Ferron join us to explain how the latest hardcover in the Lost Omens campaign setting line, Lost Omens: Legends, might be the most fun book in the line! Full disclosure/humble brag: We can’t...
Green Ronin gets a lot of talk on the network, and not just their Pathfinder content. We sit down with network members Crystal Frasier and Owen KC Stephens, who work for Green Ronin, as well as Green Ronin’s Steve...
Pathfinder had lots of exciting news and announcements, from 3 part APs, new Ancestry Guides, LOTS of new archetypes in the APG, and a dash of new stand alone adventures. We give our thoughts on them as we start...