When I meet new people, the small talk topic of “What is your job?” always comes up. I hold my breath, my heartrate increases, and I begin to sweat. I tell them I am a professional storyteller and...
Hello again and welcome back to another special review blog by me, your host, Randal. You may know me from such blogs as Groundbreaking and Terraforming or previous reviews of Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Second Edition Advanced Player’s Guide. Here we are, facing...
The Value of Inclusion in TTRPGs So I’m going to talk about race for a second. Don’t tense up, this is a positive post I promise. It’s easy to get that sinking feeling whenever the subject comes up because...
Hey, I’m Scott Gladstein and I’m the producer over at Little Red Goblin Games. I’ve written for a host of companies including some work for Paizo on Pathfinder 2e’s monsters. When Know Direction gave me a chance to write...
I’ve seen the son of one of my close friends grow from a toddler into college student. Very likely because he grew up as the son of tabletop RPG gamers, he’s been a gamer his whole life. I remember...
Welcome to Week 1 of the 2021 Guest Blogger Takeover! Once a year for the last three years, we give our staff of dedicated bloggers a break. Instead, we bring in other voices in the community with ideas to...
Intro There are some projects that when you come up with them feel like they will really change how you approach doing everything. My idea for a 3rd Party SRD type page is one of those ideas. The problem...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
The devastation of Earthfall resulted in the slaughter of billions, and the widespread destruction of most civilization erased much of humanity’s knowledge. The man credited with bringing magic back to humanity was Old‑Mage Jatembe, a folk hero and a...
James Gunn’s latest super hero team film, this time of the DC variety, hit theatres a couple of weeks ago to solid critical praise but poor box office return. Not Snake Eyes poor, but it seems like not a...