With the imminent release of the latest versions of Pokémon, I got rather excited about the little pocket monsters. The games are something I’ve enjoyed since childhood and now they were on my mind yet again. With over 700...
The past two weeks have weighed heavy on me, I became an aunt for the first time ever to premature 27 week old nephews that have been stronger than I ever imagined two tiny people could be. If you...
Mist clung low to the ground and the moon glared down full and bright through the skeletal trees that framed the gravel road leading up to the empty schoolhouse. The mood was nearly perfect even if it was a...
Zero Allowances. It’s a very finite term that tends to get people really riled up whenever I talk about it. Yet whether we want to admit it or not, this concept sits at the direct center of the Pathfinder...
Ever want to sneak attack your enemies with brutal efficiency? Today in Iconic Design, we’re going to be looking at a class / feat combo that will enable you to circle your foes and strike them down with a...
There are all types of games for all types of gaming groups. They range from grim-dark, gritty, realism to swashbuckling high adventure in fantastic realities and landscapes. I’ve found, much to my chagrin, that players tend to prefer the...
Ohana Means Family and Family Never Gets Left Behind What is a family? Is it a mother, father, 2.5 children and a dog? Is it grandmom, grandpop, and everyone else down? Is your community your family? I’ve been playing...
I’ve written Guidance, the Know Direction Network’s source for tips, tricks, and techniques for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for nearly three years now. I think. It might be two. Honestly, what’s a year between friends?
D&D and Pathfinder have a long tradition of monsters that are just two different animals smashed together. The owlbear is the de facto example of these “deadline” monsters. Today, I add another to the ranks of the amalgam creatures....
Earlier this week, I sat down with Ryan, Perram, and special guest, Ariadne MacGillivray of Ubisoft, to talk about inclusion in and the state of the gaming community. We recorded our conversation and you can listen to it here....