“Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most,...
“I’m pleased to share the news that we have finally obtained a reproduction of Geb’s prized tome on the undead, smuggled out of the nation of Geb at great personal cost. In this crate you will find a series...
You never know what adventure awaits. Sometimes it’s as easy as saving a town from marauding barbarians. At other times there’s a necromancer to vanquish as they raise all the dead from the local cemetery. But it’s not always...
“…we continue to surprise each other, get excited alongside each other, and genuinely look forward to seeing one another in the studio to play every time. While some aspects have adapted and changed over time, such as folks growing...
Absalom, the City at the Center of the World, has stood at the geographic and metaphorical fulcrum of Inner Sea intrigue for 5 millennia. Indeed, Absalom’s continual influence has shaped not only the face of the planet but the...
“iʼm sorry did you say street magic is a game about building a city: filling it with life and vivid detail, exploring its hidden corners, and meeting its strange and wondrous inhabitants. It was designed to be played as...
Cephalophor was, by all accounts, an accident: a miscategorization that puffed itself city-sized out of spite. Its founders were con artists who stopped to fleece a small music festival, built a small but robust bureaucracy to automate the grift,...
Happy New Year! What a journey it’s been. I’m always hopeful every year can be better than the last. 2021 was certainly better than 2020 and 2022 has the promise of new and improved. Granted, I expected New Years...
I’m going back to PAX Unplugged! Two years ago I started a great trip the best way I could have with a visit to Dog Might before I flew right from Michigan to Pennsylvania for my first PAX Unplugged,...
The Grand Bazaar is the centerpiece, the heart and soul, of the Coins District. Here you can find your heart’s desire, whatever it might be! So long as you have the diligence and dedication to search for it, of...