The focus of every Pathfinder game is the player characters—they’re the stars of the show and appear in every scene that plays out in-game. But what about those scenes? What stories are being told? What old legends are being...
“The more people who come forward and talk about how much they love gaming, how much they talk about individuality and diversity, the more gamers of color that come out and gay gamers that come out and everybody talking...
“For most of Golarion’s existence, arcane prophecy and divine visions foretold of major events and great heroes. In 4606 ar, prophecy decreed that the God of Humanity, Aroden, would return to Golarion and usher in a new age of...
“You command powerful magic, not through study or devotion, but as an agent for an otherworldly patron that even you don’t entirely understand. This entity might be a covert divinity, a powerful fey, an ancient spirit, or any other...
“Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat…” – Nicholas Gordon I love Halloween. Spooky movies are always first on my mind. I watch Hocus Pocus,...
“Who rules the Stolen Lands? The Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new...
“Hag: noun; a witch, especially one in the form of an ugly old woman” – Oxford Languages I’ve had hags on my mind for Kingmaker. I can’t say exactly why, as it might be spoilers for those new to...
“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” – Carl Jung Have you ever played an evil character? How did the other characters treat you? Heck, how did the other players...
“Look at you. So confused, brimming with power. Yet still a shadow of what you will become.” – the Dream character1 I – along with almost everyone I know – is absolutely loving Baldur’s Gate 3. Kudos to Hasbro...
Merriam Webster defines FOMO as a noun. It is the “fear of missing out; fear of not being included in something (such as an interesting or enjoyable activity) that others are experiencing.”1 And frankly, I experienced major FOMO at...