For a while now Monica and I, with the help of some close friends have been live streaming tabletop roleplaying games on Twitch ( with some small success. While I love GMing, I’m less comfortable under the scrutiny...
This will be the last Burst of Insight blog before the New Year. So as we close out the year I thought we’d end where we began: Tooling around in the Cypher System. Specifically, the game that introduced the...
Recently, I’ve been experimenting with various GM techniques. One I particularly enjoy is starting right in the middle of the action. This is a common trope of cinema, we see it in every James Bond Film the Indiana Jones...
We’ve talked about character backgrounds several times on this blog the most recent was at the beginning of October when we discussed how players can work plot hooks into their backstories. This week I thought I’d suggest some tools...
Before the break, I spent several weeks talking about how to center the PCs in the narrative on an adventure path by personalizing the experience. This week I thought I’d focus on a different aspect of personalizing a published...
Welcome back to Burst of Insight. For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about things GMs can do to center the player characters in an adventure path’s narrative. This week we’re talking about something players can do...
Welcome back to Burst of Insight. As I said in my previous blog I’d like to spend some time talking about centering the PCs in your campaign’s narrative. A relatively easy task if you run predominantly homebrew adventures. When...
It’s been roughly a month since Gen Con and the release of Pathfinder Second Edition and I imagine a number of brand new campaigns are beginning to spin up. My own included. As all these new games are launching...
In first edition Pathfinder, I really liked the design space occupied by traits particularly the campaign traits. In second edition this design space is most similar to the new Background mechanics and I’m excited by the options I can...
We attended GenCon pretty much as usual this year but we decided to do a few things a little differently. We volunteered less which freed us to walk the dealer’s hall more frequently and do things we’d have had...