Know Direction’s new co-hosts Perram and Matthew LeClair join the podcast full time. In Pathfinder News, they talk about con season and a new Pathfinder podcast on the horizon. In the interview, James Jacobs talks about the Bestiary II...
Ryan speaks with F. Wesley Schneider about Paizo’s upcoming Game Mastery Guide, Perram of Perram’s Spellbook joins Ryan for upcoming releases, and Ryan takes the time to promote 3rd party publisher Avalon Games and himself. Listen Now!
In this packed house of an episode, Ryan speaks with Stan! of Super Genius Games about P20 Modern, Jeff Greiner of The Tome Show about the Edition Wars, and “Reaper Bryan” Stiltz of Reaper Miniatures about Reaper’s Pathfinder Miniatures....
Ryan and Jay tap Ryan’s experience in Japan talking about the ninja (Complete Adventurer) and the samurai (Complete Warrior) in the lastest Non-Core Class Feature. Listen Now!