Wait, that’s it? We’re already done PaizoCon Online 2021? We must be, since Ryan, Perram, and John wrap up the con with Paizo’s Aaron Shanks. Listen Now! (mp3)
Members of the Starfinder team talk about upcoming Starfinder adventures, the type of release with the most movement this year in how much and what type of material to expect. Listen Now! (mp3)
For the last couple of blogs I’ve been talking about cool rules from D&D and Pathfinder that have inspired me. sometimes changing the way I run or design. Mostly these have been small rules changes but today I thought...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of logistics, Ryan Costello, shares his thoughts on the state of...
Eleanor Ferron, one of the developers of the Lost Omens line of hardcovers, joins Ryan and Perram to dive deeper into the upcoming Lost Omens – Mwangi Expanse, detailing the last three ancestries introduced in to book. Listen Now!...
Hey, there! Luis, here! I wanted to take a bit of time and do something different with Monstrous Physique. One thing I’ve learned over the years with designing monsters is that there are a variety of ways to stat...