In episode 18 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Maxine Ekl, the designer of Think Ahead, High & Low Poker, Dual Value Playing Cards, and Stripes! Maxine is one of the co-organizers for Chicago’s Protospiel...
You load your holovid set, scanning Yousphere for something, anything to pass the time. Suddenly your scrolling stops on a familiar blue-and-yellow starburst featuring a kitsune man with dark, brown fur and narrow eyes standing alongside the show’s host,...
Every week, Recall Knowledge recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, a preview of the Know Direction content of the week to come, and the director of operations, Ryan Costello, thoughts on the state of the network....
Hey, there! Luis here! Did you hear? The new Loki show is out! Unfortunately, my wife is out of town for a few more days, so I actually haven’t started watching it yet. I’ve been avoiding spoilers like Loki...
That house on the outskirts of town, sitting empty behind a crumbling wall. The one people whisper about. The one that has gone unlived in for years. Sometimes a few hearty souls creep in, it is said, to see...
It’s episode 19 and our Valiant heroes are traveling through the Goldcliff Mountains. While there, they encounter an interesting oasis that holds some secrets. Listen Now! (mp3) Valiant is a Pathfinder Second Edition actual play podcast and is a...
My fellow GMs, have you noticed how GM specific products differ in presentation from player and general audience products? The 2e Game Mastery Guide write-up opens with “Whether you are a new Game Master or experienced storyteller, you can...
I’m proud to be a player in Alex Augunas’ Starfinder campaign: Teenaged Wasteland (which you can read about right here on Know Direction). It’s quickly become my favorite ongoing game, and in the process has made me take a...