John and Ron talk about bringing Pathfinder 2e characters into a Starfinder 2e adventure. Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
In episode 103 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Nick Bentley on how he redesigned Underdog Game’s Trekking the World and why they decided to call it a second edition versus a new name. Learn...
John, Jason, and Ron talk about Thanksgiving Plans, Dogs, and Monstrous Cybernetic Turkeys! Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
In episode 102 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Mike Danovich about his RPG system created to partner with different events and businesses in the Chicago area including Revolution Brewery. In that partnership he got...
Ryan talks about using politics in Essence20 campaigns after ranting about the absurdity of a second Trump presidential term. Listen Now! (mp3) Featuring Letter From Snake Eyes part 4, generously provided by Wordburglar. Check it and other amazing 80s-inspired...