Alex and Anthony just can’t get enough Advanced Class Guide! In today’s episode of the Private Sanctuary Podcast, the Everyman Gamer and the Man Behind the Screens take a look at what is perhaps the most elegant, and most...
Jason Bulmahn joins us to talk about Paizo Twitch Streaming Day as well as their crazy Humble Bundle offer in this special bonus episode of Know Direction!
Ryan and Perram banter about Chaos vs Law and their current campaigns, cover the latest Pathfinder news -Free RPG Day announcement: We B4 Goblins; and Hardcover cover art.
The Everyman Gamer and the Man Behind the Screens are back with an all-new episode for the Private Sanctuary Podcast! Today’s episode is a Detect the Faithful segment, and today Anthony Li and Alex Augunas will be taking a...
Crystal Frasier & Linda Zayas-Palmer will also be joins us tonight for Know Direction Pathfinder Podcast 123! That means we have representatives from all three of Paizo’s published adventure lines to talk about adventure design, development, and publishing!
Returning to the Private Sanctuary for another exciting installment of their Create Demiplane series, this week Alex and Anthony discuss various races and their cultures in the demiplane!
The Everyman Gamer and the Man Behind the Screens invite a very special someone into the Private Sanctuary today for a special three-man-look at building character backstories. Listen to some great tips and advice from experienced GMs as Anthony...
Today in the Private Sanctuary, Anthony Li and Alex Augunas are looking for inspiration for running Pathfinder RPG games set in Golarion, so where better to turn than the Pathfinder Tales novels? In today’s installment, Alex and Anthony will...