Paizo pulled the curtain to reveal the PF2 launch lineup! And boy is there a lot of exciting things to talk about! Ryan, Perram, and Alex breaks it down!
Some energy is in the air! We talk about what we hope to see in Pathfinder’s future, our own network’s future. New shows, new podcasts, and more!
Wilderness Origins compliments last year’s Ultimate Wilderness with tons character options crammed into a tiny package. Find out how this book can power up your outdoor loving characters and critter friends in our review!
Our most requested feature on the KD Network is back… at a galactic scale! We begin the process of designing a solar system for Starfinder from the ground… or actually STARS up! And you get to help!
How do you create your worlds? Know Direction’s own Randal Meyer joins us to talk about his blog, and how he designs the worlds he plays in. After Ryan and Perram discuss the latest Pathfinder news.
We look at what third party support is available for Starfinder with special guest Jason Nelson from Legendary Games. Between him and Alex, we cover a lot of ground.
The play test is over! How did it go? What did Paizo learn? The good, the bad, the surprising. Paizo’s Jason Bulmahn joins us this week to talk about what went right and wrong, and how the playtest will...