I’ve been doing some thinking lately on the specific requirements of what makes a great gaming session. Why do I end a game feeling energized and impatient to start the next game some nights but disheartened and bored other...
Hell of an August is drawing to a close so it’s time we wrapped up our discussion of Lawful Evil. Last article, I waxed poetic about how cool it was to walk the straight, narrow, and Evil. This week,...
Let’s talk E-Vil, baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things. Let’s talk Eeeee-vil! Early 90’s references aside, evil – villainy specifically – is a narrative topic I love...
With GenCon less than a day away (as of the posting of this article anyways), and as I pack my bags, I thought I might talk a little bit about preparation. How do you do it? How much is...
At the end of PS265, Alex and I had a bit of post-show dialogue about how much mystery a GM could and should inject into his game and whether the players ever getting a chance to find out was...
No no, I’m not going on hiatus. You’re still getting regular content and so forth. Nope, today I’m going to talk about what to do with your gaming group to make sure that you survive those long breaks between...
TPKs, the Total Party Kill. It goes by a number of other names, like total party wipe, total player kill, and so on. Its a topic that every RPG player is introduced to eventually. That dreaded situation when all...
About six months ago I was sitting at a table with some local Boston PFS players. The scenario was Eyes of the Ten Part 2 and we were about two hours in when I came to the sudden realization...
So you’ve got your hands on Pathfinder Unchained. You’ve read through it, or maybe heard us talk about some of the new systems on the show. You like the idea of potentially adding some of these rule sets to...
Villains are one of my favorite parts of Fantasy RPGs. From scheming wizards to ruthless warlords, a good villain can motivate players more than any other single story element you can throw at them. Big Bad Evil Guys (or...