Good players talk about the way they intend to react to the story; they make plans with the party. But what happens when the planning takes over? How does a GM get the game back on track? Today, we...
It’s been roughly a month since Gen Con and the release of Pathfinder Second Edition and I imagine a number of brand new campaigns are beginning to spin up. My own included. As all these new games are launching...
Featured Image by ArtistMEF Randal here, welcoming you back to Terraforming! I try to look for my gaming inspiration from all the different genres I enjoy. Sometimes that means using a sci-fi trope in Pathfinder or borrowing some sword...
Welcome to Iconic Design! I’m Alexander Augunas, the Everyman Gamer, and today I’m building you a Starfinder RPG character who really gets the job done. Which is great, because it’s Labor Day here in the US and Canada, so...
Last week, the Know Direction Network teamed up with the talented Alan Cooper for a character art contest. Our fans were invited to describe their characters on social media, and Al agreed to read over the descriptions and pick...
Hello, there! Last week, I took some time to set some fundamental guidelines to porting monster over form Pathfinder 1E to Pathfinder 2E. This week, I’m going to convert a monster over and describe the steps along the way...
Previously I talked about how to police yourself when GMing to maintain a consistent tone. The purpose of that article was how to answer player queries without giving away additional information. PLAYER: I search X for traps. GM: X?...
DovahQueen: Bend the Knee Since 2015, the DovahQueen has been taking your questions and giving advice to improve your games. Now the tables are turned in this DovahQueen series; Loren is asking the questions and a panel of three...
Hello, everyone! We’ve had Pathfinder Second Edition for about a month now, but no Pathfinder Second Edition Iconic Designs! Simply put, this is due to the fact that it takes FOREVER to write a Second Edition iconic design. There’s...
Illustrator Alan Cooper brought Enok, XVI, Aira, and the rest of the Stellar cast to life. Now Alan Cooper is willing to extend his services to the Know Direction fandom! RULES If you would you like a chance to get...