Dear Oras, thief of change, He Who Covets the Dankest Genes, How are you doing? It’s been a while. I’m doing fine. And despite what you may think, that’s the problem. I still wake up every day in my...
Starfinder Second Edition brings the three-action economy and ORC License changes to Paizo’s science fantasy roleplaying game. Thursday, August 3, 2023 (Redmond, WA): As part of the company keynote presentation for Gen Con 2023, Paizo Inc. announced Starfinder Second Edition. The new...
“What’s to come from our kineticist friends? I’m eager to see. May they all flourish, and may they find one another. Those of us who study the elements can help them, but we must understand… they have much more...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, as the director of operations, Ryan Costello, shares his thoughts on the state of the...
Welcome to the inaugural Essential Builds, the blog that turns PCCs (pop culture characters) into EPCs (Essence20 Player Characters). I’m Ryan Costello, one of the designers of the Essence20 system and an author on the G.I. JOE, Transformers, and...
It seems today, that all you see, Is OGL on Youtube and lewdness on streams But where are those good-alignment values… On which we used to rely?! Lucky there’s a Family Guise! Lucky there’s a build that Absolutely killed...
“Close your eyes and imagine a magician drawing upon ancient forces and casting a spell, bringing magic into the world. What spell do they cast? When you think of magic, what do you see? Conjured torrents, exploding fireballs, pillars...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, as the director of operations, Ryan Costello, shares his thoughts on the state of the...
Esther: Hello and welcome to Know Direction, your number one source for Pathfinder news, reviews, and interviews. I’m Esther. Navaar: And I’m Navaar. Esther: And today, we have returning to the show former Know Direction co-host and current Creative...
Pathfinder has always been a game with an abundance of classes. With twenty-two options (and a new one on the way!) I’d say we’re eating pretty good. But looking back at the absolute banquet of choices in first edition...