“In the dystopian future of 2020, the President of the United States is a reality TV star, enacting law via social media, fishing nets litter the oceans and the world takes away an accessibility tool as punishment. The police...
“Riddleport is the third-largest city in Varisia and is a haven for pirates and sea-faring brigands, who find themselves far to the north of the Arch of Aroden. Teeming with criminals and rogues of all kinds, Riddleport is full...
I didn’t realize how much I missed gaming in person with a few friends gathered around my table. Maybe it’s not the full group I’d like (as we’re being careful about social circle and impact due to COVID) but...
“You are fae, and we are in the only fae city in the wilds, Solstice. It’s a dense, constantly changing metropolis that does not strictly follow the laws of physics. The fae are governed by four Courts that align...
The excitement of a new game is magical. Game Masters start talking about the world to explore with broad ideas of theme and mood. Players dig up character ideas or start fleshing out new ones, especially if there’s new...
There’s some great news coming out of PAX Online for Paizo, Pathfinder, and those of us who love the world building of Lost Omens! I’m psyched to learn about Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse and the Strength of Thousands adventure...
“Rathael is a land full of magical people, fantastical creatures, and mystical kingdoms. It is studded with ancient ruins left behind by a long-lost civilization. It had always been a peaceful realm. That is, until twelve years ago. The...
“The City Isn’t Safe The streets are filled with horrors that will hollow you out for their own pleasure, killers and sadists waiting for a taste of your flesh and your fear, and dark things that linger in the...
That Was Awesome Gen Con has come and gone, and it was indeed awesome. I got to play new games, meet new people and I did it from the comfort of home. I might not have slept enough, at...
“…I saw such open and friendly behavior around me. I might have felt a stranger at first but most of us were strangers to one another and it didn’t matter. Thursday lunch rush made for finding a table but...