What started as one gamer wanting to talk about his love of a game grew into a podcast network. Ryan founded what would become the Know Direction Podcast network with Jason "Jay" Dubsky, his friend and fellow 3.5 enthusiast. They and their game group moved on to Pathfinder, and the Know Direction podcast network was born.
Now married and a father, Ryan continues to serve the network as the director of logistics and co-host of Upshift podcast, dedicated to the Essence20 RPG system he writes for and helped design.
You can find out more about Ryan and the history of the network in this episode of Presenting: http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/2021/01/presenting-ryan-costello/
The Know Direction Network is proud to announce its latest partnership and welcome the members of the Dashing Dwarves to the staff. Who? Dashing Dwarves is the original APAPSR – Adventure Path Actual Play Speed Runners. Their goal is...
Between movies, comics, and video games, I’ve seen and taken part in the destruction of a whole lot of Imperial All-Terrain Scout Transports. AT-STs are mostly there to give the heroes something larger than usual to destroy. Not in...
Ryan releases the additional hour of audio he recorded after technical difficulties cut the Intrepid Together episode short. And then Luis joins him, something that Ryan could have done much much earlier in the episode, but didn’t think to...
New Know Direction Network members John Godek, Ron Lundeen, and Andrew Sturtevant explain to Ryan who they are and why they’re here in this intrepid edition of Geek Together. Listen now!
A mysterious fellow is dropping notes and spreading mistrust, but WHO? Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses the War For The Crown Adventure Path...
Effective immediately, the staff and creative content of Intrepid Heroes have a new home at KnowDirectionPodcast.com. WHO? Three members of the Intrepid Heroes team will be joining the Know Direction Network as staff and contributors: John Godek: GM of...
In last week’s Know Direction 223 – GM Tips from the Pathfinder Pros, I mentioned that my GMing style favours forward momentum. In the Know Direction Discord channel, Litis asked me to expand on what I meant by GMing with...
Don’t tell anyone who told you this, but you would not believe what I just heard on Adventurous! Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses...
Normally in Paint 2 Play I open my box of Unpainted Miniatures, pick a miniature I feel like painting, and work out things like mechanics and tabletop purpose alongside choices like colour scheme and complexity. This time, the box...
On my trip to Cuba last week, I was stung (by, I’m gonna say, a bee) for the first time in my life. Like any good GM, I immediately began making mental notes of the pain and discomfort I...