What started as one gamer wanting to talk about his love of a game grew into a podcast network. Ryan founded what would become the Know Direction Podcast network with Jason "Jay" Dubsky, his friend and fellow 3.5 enthusiast. They and their game group moved on to Pathfinder, and the Know Direction podcast network was born.
Now married and a father, Ryan continues to serve the network as the director of logistics and co-host of Upshift podcast, dedicated to the Essence20 RPG system he writes for and helped design.
You can find out more about Ryan and the history of the network in this episode of Presenting: http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/2021/01/presenting-ryan-costello/
Last Saturday, at my RenegadeCon How To Play: G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game panel, I talked about how Scarlett‘s school has a rule for their playground: Don’t climb the slide. I went on to explain that, as a GM, letting my players...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...
New GM Scott D Young brings the old Adventurous crew into a new edition of Pathfinder, running the first session of a modified version of an adventure he wrote for Paizo, Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-17: Lost Maid of Anactoria. Listen...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...
Last August, at RenegadeCon Virtual Special Edition, Renegade Game Studios hit the ground running. We finally saw the first look at the Power Rangers, G.I. JOE, and Transformers RPGs. With that in mind, RenegadeCon 2022 is a two day...
Now that you know your role and have basked in your power, it’s time to bring you back down to Earth, my fellow GMs. In order to do our job, and enjoy all of the benefits of being a Game...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...
Unfortunately, after several close calls over the last few years, our luck ran out and we have a positive case of COVID-19 in my house. Three of the four of us are vaxxed to capacity, but our youngest is...
In episode 30 of Game Design Unboxed: Inspiration to Publication we talk with Conor McGoey, the founder of Inside Up Games as well as the designer behind Summit, Vault Assault, Gorus Maximus, and more! Summit was not only his...
Every week, Now You Know recaps the Know Direction content of the past week, previews the Know Direction content of the week to come, and shares the thoughts on the state of the network from the director of operations,...