“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.” – Maya Angelou
Mmm, if only more leaders listened to the wisdom of this poet laureate lest a Goblin Get Gang find them instead. Alas, some leaders do not heed such wisdom, but thankfully Paizo does, and has, for numerous years. It’s only exemplified further by recent Lost Omens releases and the diversity of NPCs in NPC Core. I had to dedicate a separate article to not only the possibilities for the “human” NPCs presented but the specific other ancestry NPCs that are given. And yes, I can’t help but feel a little inspired to do so due to recent challenges in our world. But let’s escape into Golarion, shall we?
The team behind NPC Core have given us numerous NPCs as I discussed last time. However, those NPCs don’t have to be human. Really, those are just the base – I won’t say bland since they’re very cool NPCs – NPCs. They can be more. As we first dig into Chapter 2, it’s noted which specific Ancestry NPCs first into which groupings from the first chapter. Useful look up though I almost wish that list was back in the initial group areas. I’m hoping Nethys can group accordingly. But immediately thereafter we get the quick adjustments to turn all those Chapter 1 NPCs into that “something more.”
Ancestry Adjustments
Want to make that NPC into a Catfolk? Well here are some personality suggestions – like make them extremely social – and be sure to give them the catfolk trait over the human, the Amurrun language, and grant them Low-Light Vision. Oh wait, they’re a Leshy? Well it’s a bit more complicated since they have little tolerance for those who don’t honor nature and you need to make them small, give them leshy and plant traits, add the Fey language, Low-Light vision, and a Verdant Burst ability to do healing when they die. Actually, that’s not hard at all. In just two pages we get the details to turn any NPC into a Catfolk, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Hobgoblin, Kholo, Kobold, Leshy, Lizardfolk (Iruxi), Orc, Ratfolk (Ysoki), Tengu, or Tripkee. Sure, it’s nice to be human – I’m glad to be human most days – but what about… something more. Kudos to whoever first develops the easy NPC maker. If any of the GM tools have the NPCs stored and allow a templated “apply this ancestry adjustment,” then you will win. My thanks. Win my thanks. I can’t guarantee any other prize. Maybe a month of Dropout.tv? How about that?
Human Cultures
And yet, even then, there’s more to say for humanity for not all humans are the same. We should have equal rights, be treated fairly and equally, but just like on Earth the humans of Golarion are diverse in their cultures and traditions. Thus, a Human Cultures section follows on page 170 through 171. Garundi, Keleshite, Kellid, Mwangi, new Thassilonian, Nidalese, Shoanti, Taldan, Ulfen, and Varisian details are provided. These are more roleplaying details providing some understanding of cultural traditions, physical characters (complexion, hair color, eye color) as well as example names and clothing styles. Even each group has variances like Kellids of Numeria or how Cheliax’s diabolism influences the people’s fashion and architecture. The additional detail for New Thassilon is interesting if only to reaffirm how most are trying to adapt to the world yet their traditional garments and style have also seen a rise in others. I hope there’s a bard out there documenting all this. Golarion’s Next Top Model? Reminds me I’d love to see a prominent Firebrand start a Drag Race…
Ancestry NPCs
Let’s look at some exciting ancestry specific NPCs. I was intrigued by the Catfolk Name Collector on page 172. They are “esteemed touchstones of catfolk culture.” They’re out talking to spirits, recording catfolk adventures, noting those great catfolk heroes, and sharing those legends they pick of areas strange and faraway. They’ve a touch of bard / animist maybe, and yes they have occult spells, but it’s more about how they fit into their culture. They have Spiritsense so they can sense spirits including most undead and haunts. I’d argue Fey are spirits too. They also have a cool ability called Name the Worthy, a reaction that when another critical succeeds at a check the Name Collector can give it a name. That creature now gets a +1 status bonus on that kind of check until their next daily preparations. You feel honored by the name and it hypes you up. I love that.
The dwarven Spirit Priest on Page 174/175 is a majestic gentleman. Check out that art! I’m fairly certain this is the Taralu, first detailed in Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse. Can you believe that book came out almost four years ago?! Anyway, the Taralu are a nomadic and spiritual people who dye their hair to match the colors of the sky. This priest has a clan dagger, better diplomacy with spirits and haunts, and divine spells. They also have two special abilities. Spirit’s Interference is two actions that calls on the spirits to attack their enemies in a 10’ burst within 30’. I love that it’s not specific how the attack happens other than it’s using part of the natural environment so a blast of rocks, vines, burst of ice/snow, etc. Typically this does bludgeoning damage though it’s noted the GM should change it up, like if it’s fire spirits shooting fire. Maybe the Spirit Priest is using such in the picture! The other ability is a single action, the Spiritual Edge and is a spellshape action that grants a non-duration (i.e. instantaneous) spell additional spirit damage equal to the spell’s rank. Call on the spirits and aid your spell. Seems perfect for the Taralu! We also get some great Dwarven tools in a Names list, various curses (i.e. profanity) and exclamations, as well as how they might sign their name. I really like “Kiss my stone!” Oh and there’s some unlikely dwarven expertise, playing against stereotypes in part. Meteorology or astronomy seem unlikely, unless you know about the traveling Taralu who dye their hair based upon the sky! Do I have dwarven lore or was that just a successful Recall Knowledge with Society?
I play a gnome cleric but I don’t have the Razzle-Dazzle feat. The Razzle Dazzler on page 183 has something beyond that, that’s for sure! This arcane caster (level 5) is a “beguiling sort of entertainer” focusing upon illusions and showy magical effects. Their Daunting Charisma ability allows them to Demoralize a creature they see if they roll initiative with Deception or Performance. Love that, want that as a feat for bards! They can also create an illusory duplicate as a single action that’s basically a single mirror image. It’s a fun NPC that could certainly be expanded upon for a higher challenge.
Jumping to Kholo, the Bone Scavenger on Page 196 caught my eye because that art above is simply adorable. He’s got makeshift bone armor he can put in harm’s way as a reaction to take a hit, resulting in a spray of bone shards that do piercing damage to those adjacent. They’re also good at Rugged Travel, ignoring a spot of difficult terrain that they move into. The Kholo Outrider is the lead scout on the other hand, with similar abilities but also representing masters of wilderness who “blaze a trail” for their pack. We get some Kholo Names as a GM tool, as well as Elder Kholo wisdom that might be passed on. “Runners die old” sounds like something wise Kholo Outriders might say to remind young warriors it’s not wrong to retreat. What I really liked was the 10 item Bone Carvings table. Need a decorative design for some carved bones? Well here you go. I rolled randomly and got the wind chime made of ribs and inscribed with musical notes. Art and music, together!
The Tumbleweed Leshy Courier (below) on Page 200 are known for crossing long distances quickly. Druids trust them to deliver messages and sometimes even take them into their order. I liked the bit of lore here as we have the existing lore of Leshies acting as immortal nature spirits as well as being evoked into this world by powerful Druids. This courier actually already has the ability to change shape into a tumbleweed with a 10’ move speed. It keeps rolling, rolling, rolling… Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
The Iruxi Masked Mummer on Page 205 is level 9 with a complex ability called Don Mask. It certainly made me read closer considering the length. The Masked Mummers are historians and champions of myth, bringing them to life with mask and costume. They call to spirits too, and it’s certainly something I’ve realized I’m drawn to with these NPCs like the Catfolk Name Collector and the Dwarf Spirit Priest. Anyway, Don Mask is a 3-action activity that can be used once every 10 minutes. Based upon the spirit called, a 5th rank spell is cast and the Mummer gains a specific boon. A T-Rex mask brings a 3-action blazing bolt and grants fire damage to the Mummer’s strikes. That’s the Fiery Akkarok! Or what about the King of Storms? This may be a roc or horned dragon mask that brings a howling blizzard and grants the Mummer the ability to do a Reactive Strike with their tail. We get Iruxi Names to help making NPCs, various Signs and Portents, and then what I feel is especially important considering the ceremonial dancing of the Mummer: Iruxi Music and Dance. Some Iruxi use drums to slip messages into songs or communicate over long distances. I love that tribes could communicate with one another across a deep valley in a jungle that way.
Have you heard about the Ysoki Swarm Voice and the Bone Mother? The Swarm Voice is the leader of a warren, and they look it above as seen on Page 210. They have warden like abilities including the ability to Advise Swarm as two actions to give those from the same warren the ability to Step, Stride, or Take Cover. They can also creating a Chittering Terror for two actions to frighten enemies within 30’. The swarm/warren joins in so any enemy adjacent to a Ysoki gets a -2 circumstance penalty to their Will save. Love that! However, warrens might be led by a Bone Mother, which is a title that can be granted to any despite gender. They are oracles with occult magic who acts as the living history of the warren. As a reaction, they can rattle bones from those who have died (typically finger bones) to call their spirits for help, dealing spirit damage to whoever attacked the Bone Mother. I like this figure and title, especially as it at least implies the matriarchal start of this role and yet warren members accept it without toxic masculinity contempt. It’s an honor to be the living history of the warren.
We all know about the Jinx Eaters that Tengu are known for especially on the high seas of the Shackles! Unfortunately some are conscripted into service. This NPC especially on page 212 can make an eerie croak, the Jinxed Call as two actions. It causes those non-tengu within 30’ to make a will save or become clumsy. But, but! They can also Eat Fortune as a reaction, though it’s a fortune or misfortune effect they eat. So technically that’s not just eating a jinx, but could eat the fortune effect of an enemy. Hopefully they’re not next to you when they make their Call, but at least they might save you from tripping and falling to your death from the rigging! The Tengu cultural tools include Tengu Names, Expressions and Expletives, as well as the Language of Feathers! I like how “Such a fledgling!” can be considered endearing or an insult depending on how it’s meant and directed. But the Language of Feathers really seemed to honor their culture. There’s great meaning in their feathers depending on color, shape, size, origin, etc. Blue or turquoise is to wish you good luck upon the sea while red can represent kinship or romantic interest. That must get confusing! Does he like me, or like-like me? Did I get friendzoned? I’d like to offer each of you readers a green feather in affection and support! Edit: Shout out to Katrina Hennessy who wrote this section!
Finally let’s talk about the Tripkee Fiend Keeper, level 7, on Page 215. These frog-like champion have learned how to deal with unholy threats through generations of tutelage, passing down an ability to absorb dangerous spirits into their body. They can then utilize that power to help them fight. I like the small roleplaying note that Fiend Keepers usually try to cleanse themselves by attempting to accomplish great good in the world. Gives me Sin Eater vibes. Their Harness Wickedness ability is a single-action that has the unholy trait! For a minute their Strikes deal an extra die of damage and have the unholy trait. They also giant 10 temp HP, a +5’ bonus to speed… and another detail I’ll leave out just in case your GM has a Fiend Keeper worried about you PCs barging in! I’ve mentioned my love of the Umbragen before from Eberron, those elves who bound themselves with darkness in order to fight aberrations. I like that narrative plot element, turning evil into a weapon though it can be corruptive. Excellent for complex NPCs and antihero PCs!
As I said, NPC Core is invaluable to GMs with its numerous NPCs and tools. I highly recommend picking it up, but I also hope some of the hype the NPCs are getting – gunwitch – prompt some interesting multiclass builds or PC archetypes. This book will be invaluable to any game and I’ve already used it for mine! If you’re using, let me hear how! Have a favorite I didn’t mention? Shout it out in Discord and tag me! Also check out Paizo’s blog on the authors of NPC Core, which I’ve added and how I found out Katrina wrote the tengu section!!!
Again, a reminder to keep being great to one another and support this community. Love y’all and stay good out there, keep gaming!
Investing In:
I wasn’t quite sure what to name my article series when I first started but the idea of showcasing or discussing things that make me excited, that I find new and interesting, or maybe I’m otherwise passionate about seemed to fit with the idea of Investing In something like the Pathfinder 2E mechanic. To use some magic items you have to give that little bit of yourself, which helps make these things even better. I like the metaphor of the community growing and being strengthened in the same way!
I also want to hear what you’re Investing In! Leave me a comment below about what games, modules, systems, products, people, live streams, etc you enjoy! You can also hit me up on social media as silentinfinity. I want to hear what excites you and what you’re passionate about. There’s so much wonderful content, people, groups (I could go on) in this community of ours that the more we invest in and share, the better it becomes!
Banner – modified Chapter 2: Ancestry NPCs image, NPC Core, Paizo
- Goblin Get Gang, NPC Core, Paizo
- Spirit Priest, NPC Core, Paizo
- Razzle Dazzler, NPC Core, Paizo
- Bone Scavenger, NPC Core, Paizo
- Tumbleweed Leshy Courier, NPC Core, Paizo
- Swarm Voice, NPC Core, Paizo
- Tripkee Scout, NPC Core, Paizo