David Wilson’s Pathbuilder 2e App for the Android OS (And Windows / MAC with an emulator) is the best character app for Pathfinder 2e, and best of all: It’s Completely Free!
Perram sings its praises and walks through how to use it.
David Wilson’s Pathbuilder 2e App for the Android OS (And Windows / MAC with an emulator) is the best character app for Pathfinder 2e, and best of all: It’s Completely Free!
Perram sings its praises and walks through how to use it.
Paid for the upgrade a month ago. Works amazing for plotting out character advancement path ideas.
He has been keeping up with updates as well.
I’d heard about this app before, but since I almost never use my phone except to… phone someone, I never thought I’d use it.
Thanks, Perram, for making it so easy. The emulator worked like a charm, and once I also DLed Adobe into it, I was able to export a character as pdf, email it to myself, open it, cut & paste to wordpad then to word to make double-collumn listings of NPCs for games (and eventually for published adventures).
Only a small amount of post-paste formatting was required on my first test characters. A great tool, time-saving and effective.
Hey thanks for the positive review! Much appreciated.