Tink, a female sugar glider hanging from one of her bars upside down in her cage, next to a illustration inspired by her of a Pathfinder monster, which resembles a blue and purple glider.

Saying Goodbye to a Special Familiar

Baby sugar glider Tink sitting on my shoulder.

Tink sitting on my shoulder at 2 months old.

Of all the crew at Know Direction, the only people to log more hours on the podcast besides Tink, my pet sugar glider, is Ryan and myself. Our long-time fans have likely heard her in the background of many of our episodes, and she has sat on my shoulder or hat helping me edit most of them. She’s visible in the very first frame of the first live episode, and Paizo has even honored her with her very own Pathfinder stats written by Sean K. Reynolds, and art by Caeli Anna Smith.

My time with the podcast and my time with Tink have been one in the same. Joining me between my first guest spot on the network and my second. And a constant companion next to me while I’ve been a part of the Pathfinder community.

She was adventurous, curious, affectionate, and playful. And like me, she was obsessed with collecting things. Most notably game minis, her favorites often smuggled out of my boxes and into her sleeping pouch. I’d let her keep them if I thought it would be healthy for her, but I’m afraid out of concern for her well being we continued our little game of scavenger hunt her entire life.

I called her my little familiar, and for more reasons than one. Sugar gliders form an extremely close personal bond with their owners. Stronger than almost any other pet. She would follow me everywhere, and while she did enjoy the short adventure up my game shelves and flying across my office… she was always quick to scamper up my leg and onto my shoulder after.

She helped me through some of my roughest times in life, including my bouts with depression, and I spoiled her as much as I could. I honestly couldn’t imagine a future without her in it, and every memory of Pathfinder I have is accompanied with her presence. She was usually on my belly as I read through each review copy of the books for the show. And a lot of the decorations in my room were chosen for their compatibility with a scampering, climbing, flying marsupial.

Tink spent her final days curled up in my hands, loved and adored, comforted as best I could. She passed away today at the age of 11.

I’ll miss her so much.

Jefferson Thacker

Before Perram joined Know Direction as the show’s first full time co-host, the podcast could have best been describe as a bunch of Pathfinder RPG stuff. Perram brings a knowledge of and love for Golarion to Know Direction, something any Pathfinder podcast is lacking without. On top of being a man on the pulse of the Pathfinder campaign setting, Perram is the founder of the superlative site for Pathfinder spellcasters, Perram’s Spellbook, a free web application that creates customized spell cards.