Jason Keeley, John Compton, and Thurston Hillman build a new starship with the help of the audience using options from the new Starship Operations Manual.
Perram, Vanessa, and Dustin gush about all of the fantastic products to use at your game table with Mark Moreland, Director of Brand Strategy for Paizo.
Perram joins Rob McCreary, Jason Keeley, Jason Tondro, and Joe Pasini to talk about the design of the playtest elements, nanocites and mechs, with the Starfinder team.
Introduction There are times when you’re ready to sit down and turn thoughts in your head to words in the text editor. I’ve had a few of those times over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, it was never really...
Joe Pasini, John Compton, and Thurston Hillman discuss a new playtest for Starfinder RPG. Try out the nanocyte class and control nanites, or pilot your own mech in glorious combat!