Whisked off to a strange and terrifying version of the mansion, our heroes turned children must unite with their strange new friend and the children they were charged in protecting in order to survive the horrors ahead. Will they...
Our adventurers have fallen prey to the Krampus! Waking up in a strange twisted version of the mansion only to find themselves transformed into children. Will their new bear friend be able to help them survive this nightmare as...
To celebrate the holidays, GM Alex Augunas joins Perram, Venessa, Luis, and Paizo’s Jason Keeley for a holiday special play-through of Everyman Gaming’s Yuletide Terror! I mean, how bad can a babysitting job go?!
Initiative is rolled, spells are cast, and combat is maneuvered when the first combat of the campaign breaks out without ever leaving the gala! Note: The original post accidentally contained episode 2 instead, this is a correction. Listen Now!...
Troy Lavallee, Game Master of the first official Paizo podcast, The Glass Cannon, joins Ryan and Perram to discuss GMing for an audience, keeping things fun without jumping off the rails, the appeal of actual play podcasts, and growing...