Know Direction 45 – Late August 2012 Ryan and Perram’s live recordings from GenCon 2012, including interviews with Paizo’s James Sutter, Adam Daigle, Wes Schneider, and Lisa Stevens. Listen Now!
Know Direction 44 – Early August 2012 Ryan and Perram recap PaizoCon, look towards GenCon, discuss Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Ediiton and Kobold Quarterly #22, and answer YOUR (or someone like you’s) questions Listen Now!
Find out the design goals, the basics, and beyond of the upcoming Pathfinder RPG hardcover, Mythic Adventures. Featuring Jason Bulmahn, Sean K Reynolds, and Stephen Radney McFarlane. Listen Now!
Hear the secrets of what Paizo is look for in a writer from the Paizo staff. Featuring James Jacobs, F. Wesley Schneider, Sean K Reynolds, Mark Moreland, and Judy Bauer. Listen Now!
Look back on how the company behind Pathfinder came to be. Featuring Erik Mona, Lisa Stevens, Vic Wertz, Jeff Alvarez, Jason Bulmahn, Wes Scheinder, Pierce Watters, James Jacobs, and Sarah Robinson. Listen Now!
Discover the secrets of the company that published the game Pathfinder is based on before the company that now publishes the game Pathfinder is based on. Featuring Wolfgang Baur, Pierce Watters, Dave Gross, Rob Lazzaretti, Jeff Grubb, and Stan!...