Warchant Bards favour drums and other percussion instruments. Five or more ranks in Perform (Drums) grants a synergy bonus to the Perform (Warchant Bard) skill. A bard who chooses the warchant bardic music school as his speciality adds the...
Sentry Bards favour instruments that are easy to play and can be heard from great distance, like the horn. Five or more ranks in the Perform (horn) skill grants a synergy bonus to the Perform (Sentry Bard) skill. A...
Rousing Bards don't need an instrument, favouring their own powerful voices. Five or more ranks in Perform (Oratory) grants a synergy bonus to the Perform (Rousing Bard) skill. A bard who chooses the rousing bardic music school as his...
A minstrel bard likes spirited string instruments like the lute or fiddle. Five or more ranks in Perform (Lute) or Perform (Fiddle) grants a synergy bonus to Perform (Minstrel Bard). Note that synergy bonuses do not stack. A bard...
Mesmerizing Bards influence the mind with harmonics, like those from a flute. Five or more ranks in Perform (flute) grants a synergy bonus to the Perform (Mesmerizing Bard) skill. A bard who chooses the mesmerizing bardic music school as...
Almost a full calendar year after the Races Of series seemingly came to a close, Races of the Dragon emerged from the wizard’s cave (the one by the coast). Is the bottom of the barrel getting scrapped to...
Scoundrel is a word with so much character. Less insulting than con artist, not as cute as rascal, a scoundrel is the kind of person that will pull a fast one on you just to let you know you’ve...
Up until mid-2005, sequels to D&D sourcebooks were reserved for the Monster Manual. Whether this was a deliberate trend or the idea hadn’t occurred to Wizards of the Coast, the potential to reestablish the core rules and publish...