Lyz Liddell, Logan Bonner, Mark Seifter, and Jason Bulmahn review what they’ve done with the game in the last year, the changes from the GenCon releases, and what they have planned for the next year of the game.
On this episode of Legend Lore, Luis and Loren set out to talk about Exploration Mode. They break down the various exploration mode tactics, give tips on how to use Exploration Mode in your games, and answer some listener...
Perram, Vanessa, and Dustin gush about all of the fantastic products to use at your game table with Mark Moreland, Director of Brand Strategy for Paizo.
A lot of plans immediately go awry as our Adventurous heroes get more answers than questions. Listen Now! (mp3) Adventurous is a production of the Know Direction Network. Adventurous plays on the Roll20 virtual tabletop and uses the War...
Luis Loza, Linda Zayas-Palmer, Michael Sayre, and Leo Glass talk about a new book in the Lost Omens line all about Pathfinder Society, both in-world and in real life.
We start Dawn of Flame Book 4: The Blind City, authored by our very own Ron Lundeen. Needless to say, Ron has temporarily taken over the GMing duties for this book. Listen Now!(mp3)
There aren’t many bigger Paizo fans than Director of Brand Strategy: Mark Moreland, so who better to talk to about the amazing revelations of the past month? Like a lifesize goblin, and hardcover chronicle sheets with fancy death certificates....
Perram joins Rob McCreary, Jason Keeley, Jason Tondro, and Joe Pasini to talk about the design of the playtest elements, nanocites and mechs, with the Starfinder team.