Know Direction 57 – Late February 2013 Find out about the just-launched Reign of Winter adventure path from Paizo developers Rob McCreary and Adam Daigle, including whether or not Rasputin Must Die. We also talk about how...
If you missed the announcement, Know Direction is now recorded in front of a live Google Hangout audience. This was Ryan and Perram’s first forray, but the format is largely the same. Banter, news, reviews, your questions, and more...
Ryan would like to apologize for going the entire discussion about the flight mechanics without making a single Denzel Washington reference. On a related note, Matt would like to thank Ryan for going the entire discussion about the flight...
Know Direction 55 – Late January 2013 We meet Paizo developer Patrick Renie to discuss the Player’s Companion line, in particular the recent Blood of the Night, and our banter segment is filled with the latest news from...
Ryan didn’t want to do any of the work for this episode, so he called on Mike Shea, author of The Lazy Dungeon Master, to talk about the advantages and challenges of no prep DMing. Then Matt joins Ryan...
Ryan and Perram dish the news and reviews, and answer your questions in this early month episode. How does Blood of the Night compare to past Player’s Companion race books? Can you ever bullrush as part of Cleave? Who...
Know Direction 53 – Late December 2012 What better way to close out 2012, the 5th anniversary of Pathfinder and the 10th anniversary of Paizo than a chat with Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens? Listen Now!