Know Direction 62 – Early May 2013 For the first time in a long time, it’s Perram and Ryan riding solo… together. Riding duo? Perram dives into his long teased-about ideas for keeping low level threats relevent, and...
Know Direction 61 – Late April 2013 Ryan and Perram were graced with the presence of the Paizo staff behind Pathfinder Society, Mike Brock, Mark Moreland, and John Compton, to discuss proposed changes to PFS for season 5. Plus...
Know Direction 60 – Early April 2013 Pathfinder comic writer Jim Zub returns to share his recommendations of fantasy comics old and new, and update up on what’s happening with the Pathfinder comic. Plus, El Goro...
Know Direction 59 – Late March 2013 Find out about Liar’s Blade, the lastest novel in the Pathfinder Tales line straight from the author, Tim Pratt. Also, join Ryan and Perram banter about morality in Golarion. And don’t...
Know Direction 58 – Early March 2013 Paizo’s editor-in-chief joins Ryan and Perram to banter on homosexuality in Golarion and gaming, easily the most insightful discussionthe banter segment has yet to see. We talk about RPG Superstar and...