Know Direction 73 – Late November 2013 The Pathfinder RPG third party publishing landscape changed forever recently when Owen KC Stephens left Super genius games to form Rogue Genius Games and also joined Green Ronin as its Pathfinder developper....
Know Direction 72 – Early November 2013 We welcome to the show for the first time, game designer, artist, the multitalented Crystal Frasier to talk about her upcoming Adventure Path work, her past adventures, and a decent chunk of...
Adventuring again? You look so tired. All this adventuring isn’t good for someone your age. Kick off those plated boots and relax. Pick up a hobby. Maybe start a small business. Listen Now!
Know Direction 71 – Late October 2013 After an absense of banter from the last few episodes, Ryan and Perram dive right in, asking the question: how has Pathfinder changed now that it is a mature game? Listen Now!
That HP Lovecraft knew a thing or two about sending chills up spines. With Halloween looming, Wes schneider returns to dust off the Necronomicon and throw sanity to the wind with stories of Lovecraftian horrors in Pathfinder. Listen Now!
Know Direction 70 – Late September 2013 Ryan and Perram talk with Paizo developer Logan Bonner about his days with Wizards of the Coast and his work on the upcoming Pathfinder Module – Tears at Bitter Manor. Plus a...
Know Direction 69 – Early September 2013 Ryan and Perram welcome Patyhfinder Tales author and friend of the show Dave Gross back on the show to talk abut his latest Jeggare/Radovan novel, King of Chaos. Listen Now! (mp3)