In the second installment of Live Freelance or Die, we catch up with another former RPG Superstar, last year’s winner Mike Welham. We first spoke with Mike in Know Direction episode 37. Live Freelance or Die is a...
In the first installment of Third Party People, we speak with Steve Russell of Rite Publishing. We first spoke with Steve in 3.5 Private Sanctuary episode 103, and Know Direction episode 5. Third Party People is a twice monthly...
Brian Darnell, Venture Lieutenant in Los Angeles and the man behind Know Direction’s Pathfinder Society Minute. Pathfinder Socialite is a twice monthly series on the Private Companion blog in which we speak with people of interest in the Pathfinder...
We are starting this series with one of the most prominent supporters of RPG Superstar since his win in 2009. We first chatted with him shortly after he won the title, and caught up with him at last PaizoCon....
An Interview with Pathfinder Tales – Called to Darkness author Richard Lee Byers In this, the first instalment of the Private Companion blog, we speak with Richard Lee Byers, author of the latest Pathfinder Tales novel, Called to...
Curious what Perram was cooking up in Know Direction 37? Check out these exclusive Kingdom Council visuals for your home game! DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE SET!
Publisher: Paizo Publishing Pathfinder uses all the 3.5 tools that aren’t bolted to Wizards of the Coast‘s workbench. Since the 3.5 gods are considered WotC intellectual property, Pathfinder needed a slew of new divine beings to answer the calls...