Last installment, we discussed the origins of the terms “Mark,” “Smart Mark” (aka “Smark”) and “Smart” as they pertained to the WWE. We also discussed how those terms related back to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game—specially how different people view...
I’m 100% stealing this line from my friend N. Jolly, but there are literally two types of Tabletop RPGs—Marks and Smarks. I don’t care who you are or what you say you believe in, you’re either a Mark or...
Last Christmas (which was literally yesterday), I did a lot of thinking on the nature of gifts—specifically, why we give them. What I came up with is simple: usually, we gift people to show our appreciation, to show someone...
Money—it literally makes worlds go round, be they the real world or fantasy worlds. When you get right to it, money as a societal construct is what allows us as a species to barter with one another on a...
Last week I had a friendly chat with a fellow game designer who Third Party fans might recognize—N. Jolly, creative mind behind Purple Duck Games’ Kineticists of Polymorpha series, as well as Legendary Games’ Legendary Vigilantes. N. is a...
The other day I was skimming Facebook like I’m ought to do when I have far more important work assignments on my plate when I came across a Facebook post from my friend and business partner, Owen K.C. Stephens....
When I first started with the Know Direction Network, I was not a PFS player. Ryan and I even talked about it a few times on the Private Sanctuary Podcast, back when we cohosted it together. Shortly after I...
No matter what campaign you’re playing in, wands are among the most important treasures that you can find. The ability to have a magical stick packed with spell charges for your expenditure simply cannot be beaten—a well-timed wand casting...
Zero Allowances. It’s a very finite term that tends to get people really riled up whenever I talk about it. Yet whether we want to admit it or not, this concept sits at the direct center of the Pathfinder...
I’ve written Guidance, the Know Direction Network’s source for tips, tricks, and techniques for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for nearly three years now. I think. It might be two. Honestly, what’s a year between friends?