John, Jason, and Ron talk about some of the differences between Starfinder 1st edition and the Starfinder 2nd edition playtest. Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
John and Ron talk about the various tools available for easily building Starfinder 2e Playtest characters. Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
Ron gives a detailed report about this year’s GenCon and all the cool stuff he saw! Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
Jason and John talk about the Starfinder 2e Playtest announcements made at GenCon! Listen Now! **Apologies in advance for my poor audio – I am in the process of moving and my gear wasn’t set up properly – John**
John, Jason, and Ron talk about some of the Sci-Fi games being released at GenCon, including Starfinder 2nd Edition Playtest. Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
John, Jason, and Ron talk about Ennie Nominations, GenCon, and the future of Intrepid Heroes! Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
John, Jason, and Ron talk about Paizo’s offerings for Free RPG day, including The Great Toy Heist written by Jason Keeley for Pathfinder 2e, and Second Contact for Starfinder 2nd Edition! Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of...
John, Jason, and Ron talk about some of their favorite and most memorable conventions. Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and his opinions are his own.
John, Jason, and Ron talk about some of the new Starfinder 2 information revealed at PaizoCon as well as Jason’s playtest of the new Battlecry! classes. Listen Now! Ron Lundeen is an employee of Wizards of the Coast and...